
Gentlemen is a work in progress that represents the person I want to become for the love of my life. Becoming a gentleman is a lifelong process, a journey that only ends with my death. The Gentlemen are meant to inspire loyalty, integrity, love, and chivalrous behavior. I inscribe them as I see fit, as my soul asks for it.

Max Supply: 25 pieces Price: SOLD OUT @ 0.0169 BTC unit Secondary Marketplace: Link

Medium: Mixed (AI, Krita, Sampling/Collage) Format: Mixed (JPEG, WEBP) Dimension: 1280 x 1280 1200 x 1200 800 x 800 Bitcoin ordinals inscription range: 329714-18302413

Gentlemen #1 Inscription #329714

Gentlemen #2 Inscription #331595

Gentlemen #3 Inscription #343225

Gentlemen #4 Inscription #349620

Gentlemen #5 Inscription #629964

Gentlemen #6 Inscription #635859

Gentlemen #7 Inscription #635982

Gentlemen #8 Inscription #643416

Gentlemen #9 Inscription #644799

Gentlemen #10 Inscription #1552089

Gentlemen #11 Inscription #8913881

Gentlemen #12 Inscription #9701193

Gentlemen #13 Inscription #9727779

Gentlemen #14 Inscription #9745493

Gentlemen #15 Inscription #9751491

Gentlemen #16 Inscription #9755830

Gentlemen #17 Inscription #10334679

Gentlemen #18 Inscription #10339351

Gentlemen #19 Inscription #12466471

Gentlemen #20 Inscription #14585138

Gentlemen #21 Inscription #17859254

Gentlemen #22 Inscription #17886802

Gentlemen #23 Inscription #18302413

Gentlemen #24 Inscription #18524104

Gentlemen #25 Inscription #18575699